You wanna put an email address and then put in a webpage URL in there. At the very top, put in your email address or whatever that text is, you don't wanna fake people out. You can also link to a file like a PDF, or you can type something in.
#Adobe muse download link series#
Click on that, you're gonna see that we have a series of pages here already, it's showing us all the pages in our site that we can just click on to make a link to go to. We can do it to an image, an object, we can do it to text, whatever, you just have to select the object or the thing or the text, come up top to the hyperlinks and you're gonna see add or filter links.

So if you select that text you can apply a link to just about anything you want. Now we're gonna go on and we're gonna make a link on this text right here, so to do that as well as go out and do something like put this link out here, we're gonna just select the text and we're gonna go up and we're gonna change it on the hyperlinks.

Or I could even do like a black and I'll just adjust that a little bit, I'll actually go with just a different color, you guys can drag the sliders around, change things up, or even sample a color from here if you want. I'll change the color a bit, maybe like a gray or brown or something that's gonna match what we're doing here. So I'll change the size here, select the text, do your business here, I'll change the size, make it a little bit bigger. I'm just gonna change the size quickly so we have that. Alright now, we can go in and do formatting if we want. And then maybe put like a phone number, I'll put a fake phone number, dot dot dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot. I think I got it right, no, I don't even know my own email address, train, training, there we go. I'm gonna say contact us, press return, couple returns and I'll just say, you know, Brain Wood, put your name, put your email address, that type of thing. For right now, go to the text tool and just click and drag out here, and I wanna draw a little text box, and now we're just gonna add some content here. As long as you hold that down you can move it around, drag the pitch, now we're gonna go in and add a link here so we're gonna start to do some different things in here, coming up we're gonna add a map, we're gonna add a form, we're gonna do things like that. Space bar is a way for us to get to the hand tool. You guys can use the hand tool if you want, click on the hand tool and move around, makes it a little bit easier. 'm gonna use the space bar I'm pressing the hand tool. So you can either go to A-Master by clicking the tab or do this, Masters, go to A-Master. You can also go to the Master page and that's what I wanna do. You can actually apply a different Master to a page just from here if you want to. If you right click in the page here, you're gonna see Masters, and you're gonna see A-Master. It's kind of a quick way you could do that. But we're gonna start out by putting a link on the home logo up here, and we need to go, if you remember we need to go to the Master page to do that. Now I wanna do this, we're gonna do this on the contact page to start, so we have a link for maybe an email address, something like that. The next thing we're gonna do is we're gonna start to work with links, and we're gonna add a couple different kind of links, and then we're gonna wrap things up and we're going to make sure that everything looks good as far as responsive design.